About the Press

We publish academic textbooks and monographs authored by Leon Kozminski Academy academics.

The publishing offer includes publications on management, entrepreneurship, law, sociology and others. They are used by students, lecturers and practitioners.

We cooperate with renowned publishers, such as Wolters Kluwer Polska, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN and Poltext Publishing House, Wydawnictwo Scholar. Drawing on their experience, we guarantee that the Polish publishing market will include publications that combine the most up-to-date knowledge with a high editorial level.

As in the case of journals, we also apply the open access policy to books. Therefore, after the time of distribution in traditional paper form, publications go in their electronic form to the ALK repository.

Ethical principles

The ALK Publishing House is committed to maintaining ethical standards in scientific publications and takes all possible steps against negligence concerning these standards. Manuscripts submitted for publication are assessed in terms of reliability, fulfilment of ethical requirements and relevance to science.

Responsibilities of Authors

Authorship of the work
Authorship should be limited to individuals who have significantly contributed to the idea, design, execution or interpretation of the work. All persons who have contributed to the work should be listed as co-authors. Other individuals who influenced certain significant aspects of the scientific article should be listed or presented as collaborators. The author should ensure that all co-authors are listed in the paper, have seen the final version of the paper and have accepted and agreed to its submission for publication.

Disclosure and conflict of interest
The author should disclose any sources of project funding for his or her work, the contributions of scientific research institutions, associations and others, and any relevant conflicts of interest that may affect its results or interpretation.

Originality and plagiarism
The author submits only original work to the editor. He or she should ensure that the names of authors cited in the paper and/or excerpts from works cited are correctly quoted or mentioned in the paper.

Ghostwriting/guest authorship are manifestations of scientific dishonesty and any instances detected will be exposed, including notification of the relevant parties. Manifestations of scientific dishonesty, especially violations and breaches of scientific ethics, will be documented in the editorial office.

Responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief

Publication decisions
The Editor-in-Chief has a duty to comply with the current state of the law regarding defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism and is responsible for deciding which of the submitted works should be published.

Employees of the Publishing House must not disclose information about a submitted manuscript to any person other than, in accordance with the publishing procedure, to its author, reviewers, potential reviewers.

With regard to anti-discrimination, the Publishing House shall comply with the Constitution and the law in force in the Republic of Poland.

Disclosure and conflict of interest
Unpublished manuscripts or their excerpts may not be used in the research of the Publishing House's own staff or reviewers without the express written consent of the author.

Reviewers' Obligations

Editorial decisions
The reviewer supports the Editor-in-Chief in editorial decisions and may also support the author in improving the paper.

Any selected reviewer who is unable to review a paper or knows that it will not be possible to produce a review quickly should inform the Editor-in-Chief.

Standards of objectivity
Reviews should be performed objectively. Personal criticism of the author is considered inappropriate. Reviewers should clearly express their views, supporting them with appropriate arguments.

All peer-reviewed papers must be treated as confidential documents. They may not be shown to or discussed with anyone other than authorised persons.

Disclosure and conflict of interest
Confidential information or ideas arising from the review must be kept confidential and must not be used for personal gain. Reviewers should not review work for which there is a conflict of interest arising from a relationship with the author, company or institution associated with the work.

Confirmation of sources
Reviewers should identify publications not cited by the author of the paper. Any statement that an observation, source or argument has been previously discussed should be supported by an appropriate citation. The reviewer should also inform the Editor-in-Chief of any significant similarity, partial overlap of the content of the reviewed paper with any other published and known work, or suspected plagiarism.

Review procedure

All manuscripts submitted to the ALK Publishing House are subject to an initial assessment by the Editor-in-Chief.

Manuscripts that are positively assessed are sent to two independent reviewers (experts in a given field) appointed by the Vice-Chancellor for Scientific Research and Staff Development.
The review is in writing and concludes with the reviewer's conclusion of rejection or acceptance for publication.

Upon receipt of the review, the Editor-in-Chief informs the Authors in detail of the reviewers' comments on the paper and the final decision on publication.

Eligibility criteria: originality of the applied research method and treatment of the topic; reliability of the presentation of previous research; quality of own research (if applicable); timeliness of research/theoretical considerations; factual, methodological and inference correctness; contribution of the work to the development of the discipline; selection of literature.

Security procedures

Crossref Similarity Check
Submitted work is checked using the iThenticate system, which provides plagiarism prevention services worldwide.

In the event of the detection of any manifestation of scholarly dishonesty, the Publisher, based on the guidelines proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).